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What to Expect During the Tooth Replacement Process

person smiling after going through the tooth replacement process

If you have missing teeth, replacing them as soon as possible is essential. Timely replacement not only restores lost function and improves your smile, but it can also help prevent future dental issues. Today, multiple teeth replacement solutions are available. Knowing what to expect from these solutions can make it easier to pick the right one.

Want reliable information on today’s tooth replacement options? You’ll find it at NewStart Denture + Implant Partners. We have a range of options to help you end the suffering from missing teeth. Choose the solution that works best for you, and contact us today by calling 919.822.9154.

Replacing Teeth with a Dental Bridge

For some patients, the solution to replacing teeth is a dental bridge. As their name implies, these replacements bridge the gap between one or more missing teeth. They’re typically made from ceramic or porcelain and closely resemble your natural teeth. Some bridges are removable, like dentures. However, others are permanent and sit on top of your gums.  

What should you expect when a bridge is used during the tooth replacement? From beginning to end, this process includes:

  • An initial visit to prepare your mouth and determine the right size for your bridge
  • A second visit to put your new bridge in place and make sure it’s a good fit

Your bridge may be bonded into place during this second visit. You may also need a third visit to complete this last step.

Teeth Replacement with Dentures

Dentures are another option for replacing missing teeth. There are two main categories of dentures. The first category includes complete dentures that replace all your upper or lower teeth. The second includes removable partial dentures that only replace some of your teeth.

The primary tooth replacement process for both types of dentures includes steps such as:

  • Making impressions of your mouth on your first visit
  • Determining how your upper and lower jaw fit together in a second visit
  • Trying out your new dentures to make sure they fit
  • Receiving your dentures after any adjustments are made

You also need a follow-up visit to verify that your dentures are working for you. 

How to Replace Missing Teeth with Implants

Dental implants are surgically placed in your jawbone. Once in place, they function more or less like your natural teeth. You can replace a single tooth with an implant or get multiple implants to fill more significant gaps in your teeth. 

The details of this tooth replacement process depend on how many implants you get, but the basics are the same for everyone. You start with an initial visit where your mouth is X-rayed, and your dentist takes impressions of your teeth. Next comes surgery to set each implant into your jawbone. Some patients need a single surgery to complete this phase, while others need two. 

You must give your mouth a few weeks to heal when your surgery is complete. After healing, a crown or bridge is placed on each implant. This step is needed to provide you with a suitable chewing surface.

Call NewStart Today for Your Teeth Replacement Solutions

Tooth replacement is an essential dental service. The right option can improve your mouth’s appearance and keep it functional. Some patients choose a dental bridge, others opt for dentures, and you may also decide on dental implants. 

Have more questions about any of these dental experiences? Get them answered today at NewStart Denture + Implant Partners. We’re also your source for affordable replacements for all situations. That’s true because we’re committed to real solutions for real budgets.

Ready to book your appointment? Call us at 919.822.9154. You can also message us online. We’ll show you why these are not your granddad’s dentures!