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How Do You Know If Your Dentures Are Fitting Properly?

person holding new dentures while trying to find the perfect denture fit

If you wear dentures, you know how vital a proper denture fit is to your daily life. Wearing ill-fitting dentures can cause discomfort, difficulty eating, and even embarrassment. But how do you know if your dentures are fitting correctly? Learning the signs of a suitable denture fit and what to do if you suspect your dentures need adjusting can help you achieve the perfect smile.

If you or a loved one needs denture solutions, NewStart Denture + Implant Partners has the expertise and experience to ensure a comfortable, secure fit for your dentures. Call 919.822.9154 today to schedule a consultation with our team of experts.

Signs of a Good Denture Fit

Dentures should feel comfortable and stable. When you talk, eat, and smile, your dentures should stay in place. You should not feel any pain or sore spots in your mouth. Your dentures should also be easy to clean and maintain. Here are some signs that your dentures are fitting properly:

  • No pain or discomfort – If your dentures fit correctly, you should not feel any pain or discomfort in your mouth. If you experience pain or sore spots, this could be a sign that your dentures need adjusting.
  • Improved speech – When you first get dentures, adjusting to speaking with them may take some time. However, if you continue to have difficulty speaking or find that your dentures slip out of place when you talk, this could be a sign of an ill-fitting denture.
  • Easy eating – Chewing and eating should be easy with well-fitted dentures. If your dentures move around when you eat or have difficulty chewing, this could be a sign that your dentures are not fitting correctly.
  • Natural appearance – Your dentures should look and feel natural in your mouth. If you feel self-conscious about your dentures or notice that they look fake or out of place, this could be a sign of an ill-fitting denture.

When your dentures fit correctly, they will enhance your appearance and give you confidence in your smile.

How to Know if Your Dentures Fit

“Do my dentures fit?” This question is common among people who are new to dentures. If you suspect that your dentures are not fitting correctly, there are a few things you can do to determine if an adjustment is necessary. Here are some tips for checking your denture fit:

  1. Bite test – Bite down gently and release. Your dentures should stay in place and not slide around.
  2. Tongue test – Run your tongue along the inside of your dentures. If you feel any rough spots or bumps, this could be a sign that your dentures need adjusting.
  3. Cheek test – Use your tongue to push your cheek against your dentures. If you feel any air pockets or gaps, this could be a sign of an ill-fitting denture.
  4. Mouth movement test – Move your mouth around in different directions. Your dentures should stay in place and not move around or come loose.

If you notice any of the above signs or have concerns about the fit of your dentures, you must schedule an appointment with a denture specialist.

Denture Fitting Process

At NewStart Denture + Implant Partners, we use advanced digital technology to create custom-fitted dentures. Our denture fitting process involves precise measurements of your mouth using our 3D printers and digital design software. This allows us to create comfortable, stable, and natural dentures.

If you are experiencing discomfort or other issues with your denture fit, our team can help. We offer denture adjustments and repairs to ensure your dentures function properly.

Call NewStart Denture + Implant Partners Today to Schedule a Denture Fitting

If you’re still unsure if your dentures are fitting correctly, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Our team of experienced denture specialists can thoroughly evaluate and recommend the best course of action.

Don’t let ill-fitting dentures hold you back – contact NewStart Denture + Implant Partners today at 919.822.9154 or online to schedule an appointment and discover how we can help you achieve the perfect denture fit.